Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tweeting, etc.

Last summer I signed up for this thing called Twitter. At the time, me and my 5 or so followers shared random snippets of our day in little blasts, 140 characters at a time. Slowly I started picking up random followers who I didn't know. Then I quit, because letting random strangers in on the minutiae of your daily life is not something I wanted to do at the time.

This winter I had a change of heart. Maybe it was the snow, maybe it was boredom. Most likely it was the really cool looking twitterific app for the iPhone that re-sold me on Twitter. To be honest though, I couldn't give you a good reason why anyone tweets (as they call it). If something is going on in my life and I know you, chances are you don't need to read my tweets to find out.

Anyway, I sometimes feel like Jon Stewart in this clip when I try to figure out technology. So says the guy with the blog that runs his twitter feed in a column.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The video was ripped down. Balls.